Dear Love

Dear Love,
I haven't met you yet, but when I do it will be utterly perfect, just because you are there. You are the essence of me and the reason I wake up in the morning. You are the thing that gets me through every other break-up with Mr. Not You. Just the thought of your existence is enough to keep me through the day. We will spend hours just talking and days when we do that will be the best days ever. Sometimes, I will just sit and wonder who you are and what you look like. Do you have green eyes? Blue eyes? Black hair, blonde hair? Will you hate doing dishes, same as me? Or will you be the guy that always does it for me? How many tears will I shed over other guys before I meet you? Have I already met you? How will we meet? When we are sleeping and my feet are cold, will you let me put them between your feet to warm them up? I think about us all the time and how when I'm with you nothing else will matter and how I will feel happy everyday and how it will feel perfect. I can't wait to meet you and love you and just be us together.
p.s. I love you!